D.O.I: https://doi.org/10.48734/akofena Éditeur: CRAC, INSAAC –D.O.I: https://doi.org/10.48734/akofena Akofena, revue Scientifique des Sciences du Langage, Lettres, Langues & Communication,  D.O.I: https://doi.org/10.48734/akofena

Akofena symbolise le courage, la vaillance et l’héroïsme. En pays Akan, les épées croisées représentent les boucliers protecteurs du Roi. La revue interdisciplinaire Akofena des Lettres, Langues et Civilisations publie des articles inédits, à caractère scientifique. Ils auront été évalués en double aveugle par des membres du comité scientifique et d’experts selon leur(s) spécialité(s). 

Akofena est une revue au confluent des Sciences du Langage, des Lettres, Langues et de la Communication. Les textes publiés sont des contributions théoriques ou des résultats de recherches de terrain des Chercheurs, Enseignants-Chercheurs et Étudiants. Pour éliminer toute velléité de collision avec des textes existants en ligne et en version imprimée, donc déjà publiés, et obtenir un texte publiable ayant une grande qualité scientifique, valorisant tant le Contributeur que la revue Akofena, depuis octobre 2021, le Comité scientifique et l’Éditeur imposent à tout projet d’article une soumission à la détection anti-plagiat. Notons que le score obtenu ne devra pas excéder 20%. Akofena n’est ni une revue nationale ni régionale, mais une revue ouverte et accessible aux chercheurs de tous les horizons. C’est à ce titre que les différents numéros publiés par Akofena font l’objet d’appel à contributions internationales sur les canaux de diffusions existantes. Outre, pour se départir des revues prédatrices, qui pullulent le monde universitaire, la soumission et les évaluations des projets d’article sont entièrement gratuites. Les seuls frais perçus par nos services restent les frais liés à l’insertion/ publication des textes acceptés après évaluation. Pour terminer, conformément à la politique de libre accès, les articles publiés peuvent être copiés et distribués sans autorisation, à condition qu’une citation correcte de la publication originale soit fournie. Nous nous engageons à faire progresser la science et les applications à travers nos publications. Akofena veut s’assurer que votre expérience éditoriale se déroule le mieux possible afin que vous puissiez vous concentrer sur ce qui compte vraiment.                                   

Akofena symbolises courage, valour and heroism. In Akan country, the crossed swords represent the protective shields of the king.  The interdisciplinary journal Akofena des Lettres, Langues et Civilisations publishes unpublished articles of a scientific nature. They will have been evaluated in double blind by members of the scientific committee and experts according to their speciality(ies).

Akofena is a journal at the confluence of Language, Literature, Languages and Communication Sciences. The texts published are theoretical contributions or results of field research by researchers, teachers and students. In order to eliminate any attempt to collide with existing texts online and in print, i.e. already published, and to obtain a publishable text of high scientific quality, enhancing both the Contributor and the journal Akofena, since October 2021, the Scientific Committee and the Editor have imposed a submission to the anti-plagiarism detection for all draft articles. Note that the score obtained must not exceed 20%. Akofena is neither a national nor a regional journal, but a journal that is open and accessible to researchers from all walks of life. It is for this reason that the various issues published by Akofena are subject to a call for international contributions on existing distribution channels. In addition, in order to get rid of the predatory journals that swarm the academic world, the submission and evaluation of draft articles are entirely free. The only fees charged by our services are those related to the insertion/publication of accepted texts after evaluation.  Finally, in accordance with the open access policy, published articles may be copied and distributed without permission, provided that a proper citation of the original publication is provided. We are committed to advancing science and applications through our publications. Akofena wants to ensure that your editorial experience is as smooth as possible so that you can focus on what really matters.


Comité scient. & Lecture
Comité éditorial & rédaction
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Normes éditoriales
Code d'éthique
Appel à contribution
Méthodes d'évaluation
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Call for papers
Akofena n°014, Vol.5
Akofena n°014, Vol.6
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Editorial policy
Bilan des publications 2024
Taux d’acception : 58%
Taux de rejet : 42%

About us

Akofena symbolises courage, valour and heroism. In Akan country, the crossed swords represent the protective shields of the king. The interdisciplinary Akofena journal of Letters, Linguistic and Civilizations publishes unpublished articles of a scientific nature. They will have been evaluated in double blind by members of the scientific committee and experts according to their speciality(ies). Finally, Akofena is a journal at the confluence of Language, Literature and Communication Sciences. The journal is aimed at researchers, teachers and students.

Each paper submitted to Akofena is first rapidly evaluated by the Editorial Board, which decides whether or not to retain it. If the article is retained, the Committee suggests to the Editorial Secretariat two names of reviewers, within or outside the Scientific and Reading Committee of the journal, depending on the speciality of the article. Ideally, these people are from a university other than that of the contributor of the article, but know the context of the article. Each article submitted to Akofena is first rapidly evaluated by the Editorial Board, which decides whether or not to retain it.

What is an archive?

According to the heritage code revised on 3 January 1979, archives are all documents produced in the course of an activity to keep track of the actions of a person or a public or private organisation through various media such as paper, photographs, electronic data, etc., but also films on photographic media, or electronic data stored on a floppy disk or a CD-ROM, etc.