Accueil – English

Akofena symbolises courage, valour and heroism. In Akan country, the crossed swords represent the protective shields of the king. The interdisciplinary journal Akofena des Lettres, Langues et Civilisations publishes unpublished articles of a scientific nature. They will have been evaluated in double blind by members of the scientific committee and experts according to their speciality(ies). Akofena is a journal at the confluence of Language, Literature, Languages and Communication Sciences. The texts published are theoretical contributions or results of field research by researchers, teachers and students. In order to eliminate any attempt to collide with existing texts online and in print, i.e. already published, and to obtain a publishable text of high scientific quality, enhancing both the Contributor and the journal Akofena, since October 2021, the Scientific Committee and the Editor have imposed a submission to the anti-plagiarism detection for all draft articles. Note that the score obtained must not exceed 20%. Akofena is neither a national nor a regional journal, but a journal that is open and accessible to researchers from all walks of life. It is for this reason that the various issues published by Akofena are subject to a call for international contributions on existing distribution channels. In addition, in order to get rid of the predatory journals that swarm the academic world, the submission and evaluation of draft articles are entirely free. The only fees charged by our services are those related to the insertion/publication of accepted texts after evaluation. Finally, in accordance with the open access policy, published articles may be copied and distributed without permission, provided that a proper citation of the original publication is provided. We are committed to advancing science and applications through our publications. Akofena wants to ensure that your editorial experience is as smooth as possible so that you can focus on what really matters.